The new portfolio site template for illustrators

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Illustfolio Lumina makes it easy to create a portfolio site that beautifully showcases your illustrations.

Your profile at a glance on the homepage

Your self-introduction and social media accounts can be displayed on the homepage, making your profile easy to see at a glance.


I was amazed at how easily and beautifully my portfolio site came together with Illustfolio Lumina, especially after struggling with similar projects in the past. It was so much more enjoyable than I expected, and I completed it in almost a day. The basic structure was exactly what I wanted, so all I had to do was upload my work to create the perfect page.

Showcase your illustrations beautifully

You can display your illustrations in a grid, or you can switch to display the entire image without cropping. In addition, infinite scrolling and category navigation are also available, so you can organize your work neatly.

Job Information Clearly Organized

When you want to accept work, you can create a unified design for your portfolio and contact pages. This makes it easy not only for yourself but also for your clients to understand your site.

Many other new features added


Display up to 3 images in a slider on the homepage.

Quick Preview

Quickly view posts in place without having to navigate back and forth between pages.

Sticky Navigation

Easily access other pages even while scrolling, without needing to return to the top of the page.

Layout Options

You can choose from a total of four layout options for the top page image.

Customizable header background and text color

Tag-filterable navigation

Display thumbnails without cropping

No HTML knowledge needed, quick and easy

I create both fan art and original art, so I like that I can categorize them by genre. This also makes it easier for clients to browse the site.

It doesn’t look like a typical template; it looks like a site you created yourself.

The layout is very appealing, with all the necessary information easily accessible at the top. The font size and design elements are well thought out and easy to read and navigate. I also appreciate how the large illustration at the top of the site helps convey a personal and unique style.

I’ve long wondered if it would be possible to have both a good-looking portfolio and a platform where everyone can see it, and this seems to solve the problem!

Trusted by creators

The Illustfolio series was launched in 2012 with the concept of "templates specifically designed for illustrations." Since then, it has become a staple for illustrators, used by over 35,000 sites, both professional and amateur.

The latest version, Illustfolio Lumina, brings together years of development expertise and feedback from dozens of illustrators. Experience the new Illustfolio, which has continued to evolve to support illustrators like you.


One-time payment

そして自分のポートフォリオサイトもIllustfolio Luminaでリニューアルしました!よろしければ覗いてみて下さい🌸


Webポートフォリオサイトをリニューアルした! うぐあんさんお気に入りのイラストのカテゴリー分けも使えるようになったよ! 今後もどんどん見やすいようにカスタマイズしていくで、チェックしてくれると嬉しいな~


『Illustfolio Lumina』のテンプレートをお借りして、イラストまとめサイトを作りました。少し前のものからスケッチやファンアートなどをまとめてあります。




【お知らせ】イラストレーター向けTumblrテンプレート『Illustfolio Lumina』の開発にインタビューで協力させていただきました! こちらのテーマをもとに私のサイトも新しくしました✌️


Tumblrのイラストレーター向けテンプレート『Illustfolio Lumina』をお借りして、ポートフォリオサイトを新しくしました! シンプルにまとまって見やすくなったと思います🙌✨


✨ポートフォリオサイトをリニューアルします!✨ 新テンプレート『Illustfolio Lumina』の開発にインタビューを受ける形で協力させていただきました!


昨日リリースされたイラストレーター向けテンプレートのインタビューに協力させていただきました 作品もリンクも綺麗にまとめられます 画像で訴求できるVtuberさんやモデルさんにもおすすめ


ポートフォリオをあたらしくしました😊プロフィールから飛べます! ちょっと前の絵とかもファンアート、一次創作問わずまとめたのでご興味あればご覧ください🤗

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Buy Illustfolio Lumina

With Illustfolio Lumina, create a stunning portfolio site that beautifully showcases your illustrations. It’s easy to set up and ready in no time.

Buy Illustfolio Lumina
System Requirements

To use Illustfolio Lumina, the following system environment is required:

  • Tumblr account
  • Windows PC or Mac with one of the following browsers:
    • Google Chrome (latest version)
    • Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
    • Safari (latest version)
    • Microsoft Edge (latest version)
    * You cannot install the theme from a smartphone.


  • Custom header background color
  • Custom accent color
  • Custom cover image
  • Custom font
  • Infinite scroll
  • Self-introduction on the homepage
  • NPF format supported
  • Pages supported
  • Tag navigation
  • Social icons
  • Ask page supported
  • Responsive


  • Tumblr theme file (HTML Format. No HTML knowledge required)
  • Documentation (English and Japanese)
Comparison with other solutions
Illustfolio Lumina Social Media Custom-built Website
Customizability -
Spread potential -
Ease of use -
Low maintenance cost ? -

Comparison with Illustfolio3 and 4

Illustfolio Lumina Illustfolio 3 Illustfolio 4
Simple and easy for clients to understand Simple gallery Simple gallery
Slider - -
Self-introduction section Top of the page Middle of the page Bottom of the page
Cover image layout 4 types 1 type 1 type
Add button below self-introduction - -
Preview large image on the spot - -
Sticky header navigation - -
Customizable category navigation - -
Infinite scroll -
Custom font

Tumblr fonts + over 1,000 options


Tumblr fonts only

Thumbnail display method Option to crop or not No cropping Cropped
Supports Tumblr New Post Format (NPF) -
Supported social media icons 7 types 4 types 4 types

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What is Illustfolio Lumina?
Illustfolio Lumina is a Tumblr theme designed to help illustrators create a portfolio site with ease. It’s tailored for busy illustrators, allowing them to quickly set up a site that fully showcases their unique style.
What makes Illustfolio Lumina different from other portfolio services?

Illustfolio Lumina is designed specifically for illustrators. This allows you to create a portfolio site that clearly conveys your style, background, and areas of expertise efficiently in a short amount of time.

By using Tumblr in the system, adding and updating works is easy. While offering high customization, it is designed to leverage Tumblr’s reach, with 135 million monthly users.

Who is it recommended for?

I recommend it for illustrators, especially those who want to organize their portfolios but don’t have the time to do so.

How does it work?

Illustfolio Lumina uses Tumblr as its platform. By posting illustrations on Tumblr, a portfolio site is naturally created.

I have used Tumblr in previous versions of Illustfolio because it is easy to use and offers many benefits for illustrators.

With over 35,000 sites using the Illustfolio series to date, I believe Tumblr is a great platform for a portfolio.

How do I pay?

I accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit card
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay (Safari only)
  • Google Pay (Chrome only)
  • Alipay
  • WeChat Pay
  • Cash App Pay
Can it be customized?

Tumblr’s settings allow you to customize background colors, fonts, and many other options to fine-tune your display.

For further customization, you can also modify the theme’s HTML to create a unique site.

Can I use for mature content?

It follows Tumblr’s terms of use. Tumblr allows mature content as long as you label the posts with "Content Label."
Can I get technical support?
I provide support for any questions during setup or usage. However, there may be cases where I cannot provide support depending on the content (such as modifying the theme’s code).
What will happen to Illustfolio 3 and 4 in the future?
You can continue to use them for free.
Why did you create this template?

I have been developing a Tumblr theme called Illustfolio for many years to make it super easy for illustrators to create portfolio websites.

Through dozens of interviews, I repeatedly heard, “I have a portfolio site, but I’m not sure if I’m using it well,” and “I’m usually too busy with illustration work to manage my site.” These inspired me to create Illustfolio Lumina.

Who is the developer?

My name is Showkaku Sano (@sanographix). As a hobby, I create practical tools for specific groups, such as Illustfolio. Please see below for my profile.
Have any other questions?

Please contact me using the link below.

Contact -

Buy Illustfolio Lumina

With Illustfolio Lumina, create a stunning portfolio site that beautifully showcases your illustrations. It’s easy to set up and ready in no time.

Buy Illustfolio Lumina